Phone 01-8900380
Phone 01-8900380
Consult Times
Mon - Fri: 9am-1pm / 2pm-4pm / 5pm-7pm
(There are no Vets available between 1pm and 2pm)
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Sun & Bank Holidays: 10am - 11am (For sick animals / Emergencies only)
Whilst we run by appointments, we do understand that emergencies may occur and should you need our help please contact us.
The Clinic is open daily from 9am to 7pm for food and medication collections (except lunch from 1pm - 2pm)
O'Scanaill Veterinary Hospital,
Milton Fields,
Swords, Co. Dublin.
K67 YX67
Phone: 01-8900380
Swords, Fingal, Ireland
Please send us a message or call us for an appointment. We would be grateful if, where possible, you could call us or email us to order your repeat prescriptions in advance.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please contact the Veterinary Emergency Hospital at UCD, Dublin 4 on 01-2609920. Please visit our page 'AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES' for further details and directions.
We look forward to meeting you...
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